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#SaturdayThoughts: a warm embrace.

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

You wake up one day and look at the window: streets which were full of people are now looking abandoned. Dead shops and closed public areas fill the landscape, placed right under a deep blue sky with no clouds. A vernal breeze gently caresses your skin and your hair. There doesn’t seem to be any trace of life anymore. Frenzy and vividness are memories belonging in a past, chaotic Universe. Or maybe, they never existed. There’s just yourself and a weird sense of peace all around, almost a state of motionless and dreamy perfection. Everything appears the way it should be, trapped in a parallel dimension.

Time matters no more.

"Unamed" by Hiroshi Nagai.

"Piazza d'Italia" (Italian Plaza) by Giorgio de Chirico.

The whole world's got that desertic and surreal yet nostalgic feeling you could once find only in Japanese artist Hiroshi Nagai’s or Giorgio de Chirico’s paintings, mixed with some of those post-apocalyptic movies’ silent restlessness.

The notes of a familiar, echoed piece of music sang by millions of human beings resonate in your head as they materialize, wrapping the scene and your soul in a never-ending virtual embrace.

Source: @annienotok (Twitter).

And then, all of a sudden...a random dude takes his phone, places it on an appropriate spot and starts blasting some loud, annoying "music" while screaming like a hyped animal, ruining that high-key magical moment of calm you were enjoying.

//Based on true story.

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